Your support can help increase the early diagnosis and prevention of Oesophageal Cancer

Thank you for supporting Lollipop Day this year as a Community Organiser or a Collection Volunteer in your community. We could not do this without you!

Please familiarise yourselves with the following guides ahead of your collection day.

If you have any questions just let us know - we'll be happy to help!

Lollipop Day Collection
Volunteer Guide

Lollipop Day
Health & Safety Guide

The Impact of Your Support

Holly Woods

Holly was a young, healthy and active music teacher who loved to play hockey  when she was diagnosed with stage 4, terminal Oesophageal Cancer at just 26 years old. Determined to continue fighting, Holly was accepted into a clinical research trial where after 3 months, her cancer was no longer present.

“The only reason that I’m still alive today is because of research into this cancer which is funded by charities like the OCF. The work that you do in fundraising for the OCF has very tangible, real effects in the everyday lives of people like me. Thank you.”

Oesophageal Cancer Fund


16 Merville Road,
Dublin A94 H526

Registered Charity Number: 20047726 CHY Number: 14542

© 2010-2024 Oesophageal Cancer Fund